Act Soon! Register by March 31. On April 1, registration will open beyond ABC CREATE. Date and Time: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 8:30 AM - 2:30PM Plum High School ABC CREATE TRAINING SESSION: VIRTUAL REALITY IN THE CLASSROOM Overview: Your students can experience the amazing technology of virtual reality using only an inexpensive viewer or iPad. Take your students on a virtual field trip to Egypt! The International Space Station! The 9/11 Museum! The Grand Canyon! Under the ocean! All grade levels. ACT 48. Lunch provided. Location: Plum High School LEARN MORE Date and Time: June 25-28, 2018 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Teacher STEAM Camp Overview: ABC CREATE in partnership with Plum Borough School District is hosting a summer STEAM Camp for Teachers! This camp is designed specifically for ABC CREATE educators who want to feel more comfortable integrating STEAM in to their classrooms. No experience required! Guided and supported by fellow teachers, we’ll have tracks for elementary and for secondary teachers where you will be able to play around with technologies and ideas. Location: Plum Senior High School, 900 Elicker Road, Plum, PA 15239 Date and Time: June 18-21, 2018 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Girls' STEAM Camp Overview: Recognizing the need for girls to explore and to develop a STEAM identity in order to persist against the current culture of underrepresentation, ABC CREATE in partnership with Plum Borough School District is hosting a Girls’ STEAM Camp for rising 6th – 9th grade girls. Location: Plum Senior High School, 900 Elicker Road, Plum, PA 15239 Date and Time: DUE Friday, March 23, 2018, The Great Remake Micro-Grants Remake Learning works to ignite engaging, relevant, and equitable learning opportunities that help young people thrive in a time of remarkable change. Overview: With catalytic grants of $2,500 and $7,500, we aim to support learning practices, projects, and environments that advance our common vision. Sponsor: Remake Learning Date and Time: April 6, 2018 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Youth Innovate PGH Come Hang Out, Mess Around, and Geek Out! Seeking Participants: Youth Showcase Overview: In addition to organizations and initiatives engaging youth, the event is inviting schools to showcase youth created works... Media, Music, Magazines, Maker stuff, whatever your students would be proud to share with others. Planning Partners include: All Star Code, Alloy26, City of Pittsburgh, Office of Innovation and Performance, CoLab18, Games for Change, Google, Nova Place Location: Nova Place on the North Side 100 S Commons Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Comments are closed.