ABC CREATE Educator Updates, Initiatives, Accolades + Opportunities
Complimentary 1-hour Webinar
Thursday, September 14, 2017 12-1 pm Eastern The Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce seeks to narrow the information gap on career earnings for students by informing the practice of educational advocates and school counselors and increasing access to information about majors, unemployment, degrees, and earnings. Sponsored by NAPE, STEM Equity Pipeline, and the National Science Foundation |
Penn State New Kensington STEAM Outreach invites all Middle School Girls to
Teachers: Kim Ord & Carmen Loughner, Franklin Regional Technology: Arts+Bots Automated Dioramas 4th grade Robotics kits integrate STEAM concepts into Franklin Regional's Sloan Elementary... Microsoft YouthSpark seeks to empower all young people, especially those most at risk to being left behind, by providing access to computer science education and digital skills needed to participate in a world transformed by technology. Just wanted to pass on some great stuff going on with our 5th grade at Verner. Mrs. Cosentino reached out to us to ask if she could borrow some Hummingbirds during PSSA’s and it has taken off!
Highlands Middle School Chosen for National Pilot Project |
Help Plum Win "Seeds of Change" Funding
Help Deer Lakes Win "Seeds of Change" $
From JR Pilyih, 1st grade teacher at Regency Park Elementary in Plum Borough School District:
Please help us win a $25,000 grant to build upon our Edible Classroom at Regency! We would love if you could spread the word and vote everyday from now until April 19th. The top 50 will then be judged to see who wins. Visit: to vote and read about our project. Save the page so you can vote every day. There is a Twitter and Facebook Share button on the page if you want to help us even more. Feel free to retweet our PBSD & PlumTeacher tweets or share our PBSD & PlumTeacher Facebook posts. Alternately, you can go to, click vote, and type in Pittsburgh to see our garden. Thank you for helping us spread the word and helping Plum win some money! |
From Deer Lakes High School
The Deer Lakes High School Life Skills students would like to start a school garden. The Deer Lakes School District is a rural district that relies primarily on grant funding for such programs. The Life Skills students volunteer once a month at the local community food bank. It is our intention to be able to donate fresh produce to this food bank. Our garden will also be used to enhance the curriculum of other classrooms in our district, such as hosting a pumpkin patch for the K-2 Life Skills classroom, and also giving students in the Family Consumer Science classrooms the opportunity to use the fresh produce for their lessons. Over the summer months, when school is not in session, students can earn community service hours for maintaining the classroom garden as well. |
Remake Learning Network
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